Wednesday, September 28, 2011

CMA September Style

CMA this month was a hike up to Ensign Peak, which is above the Capital in Salt Lake.  It is only a half mile to the peak with an almost 400' rise in elevation.  The sad fact of the day is how out of shape I am. . .  On the other hand, Trystal and Jeff had already run 4 or 5 miles before they even got there.  You guys are great!


The kids liked the view from the top.  They could see some soccer players that were near where we started and they looked like ants.  Nathan liked the trains in the "yard" because there were so many of them.  Joey and grandpa read about the size of the Great Salt Lake. 

Tawnia provided granola bars, juice and a card with the hiker's mantra "just one more hill, it's flat from there". Fun activity.  I should probably do that everyday.  (9/2011)

1 comment:

  1. wow. i think you might actually be caught up. ;) you should have a cma up here every so often.
